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A Division of B. Sleuth & Statesman Inc.
A Division of B. Sleuth & Statesman Inc.
National Handwriting Day is celebrated on January 23rd.

National Handwriting Day is celebrated on January 23rd.

 National Handwriting Day was declared in 1977 by The Writing Instrument Manufacturers Association (WIMA) on the occasion of John Hancock’s birthday to honour his famous signature. His signature on the Declaration of Independence was so prominent and stylish, that signatures in the United States are often referred to as a “John Hancock”. If you haven’t, take a look at John Hancock’s signature. We think it is the most attractive signature in the document. We all have to agree that if we had developed a signature that beautiful, we would have also proudly exhibited it at that significant proportion. National Handwriting Day has extended to Canada and has become popular amongst pen aficionados.

 At Sleuth & Statesman we are celebrating National Handwriting week, with a special event on Thursday, January 23rd to encourage our customers to explore the power of handwriting with us.

  • At one time in history, good writing skills were a status symbol only available to the noble class. Nowadays, learning and maintaining these skills is an opportunity accessible to everyone.
  • Handwriting is a true art and a skill that allows us to communicate and uniquely express ourselves.
  • Handwriting allows us to record our thoughts and feelings, providing us with a medium to document and pass on information to future generations.
  • Hand writing is brain food. It helps develop important pathways in the brain to retain information and boost our memory. It also enhances our creative and critical thinking. Typing and editing instantly on a computer is convenient, but our ability to remember things improves when we write them down.
  •  There’s something magical about holding a pen and allowing your thoughts flow through as you put them into words. When you write with a pen, your handwriting is uniquely yours, and it is impacted by the way you hold the pen, the speed you are writing, the surface you are writing on, and your emotions at that moment.

 We hope these few examples are enough for you to participate with us at Sleuth & Statesman in celebrating National Handwriting Day. We’ll be posting daily on our Instagram feed as well as on our Facebook page. So, if you are not a follower yet, please click here to make sure you don’t miss any post. Make sure to like our page to be notified when we share any content.

This is how we are going to celebrate National Handwriting Day:

 We’ll be sharing all week long on our social media. If you would like to share your posts too, tag us using the hashtag #sleuthandstatesman/#beurbane so we can check in and see what you’re sharing too.


  •  We will encourage you to practice writing your name in a few different styles. Maybe use all caps, simple printed letters or cursive writing. Maybe practice your “John Hancock”. Take a picture of your writing and share it on our Facebook page. If you post it on your wall, make sure to tag us.


  • Leave a love note for someone dear to you. Compliment a co-worker with a handwritten note. Spread some cheerful energy and let some friends know you are thinking of them. Take a pic and post it on our social media to inspire others to celebrate on National Handwriting Day by joining us.


  • Pick a quote that resonates with you. Write out some lyrics from a song that has a special meaning to you. Take a pic and post it on our social media to inspire others to celebrate on National Handwriting Day by joining us. Also, don’t forget to share our event on Thursday!


  • We will have the finest writing instruments on sale. Come to the store and treat yourself to a new pen or two. Show off your penmanship, and if you are into sketching you can show us your artistry too. If you consider your handwriting isn’t beautiful, don’t worry or feel intimidated. We will be happy to see you even if you came by to enjoy a coffee and a cookie, and a conversation. We will have a draw, and be giving away some great prizes. Check our Facebook for more updates.


  • Valentine’s Day is approaching; so, maybe write a letter to someone dear to you to send it later. Maybe start writing a book with a pen. The most beautiful poems, and most famous books were handwritten. Maybe take time to start a journal. When you write in your journal you are actually speaking to your mind. These are more personal tasks, but if you are feeling brave enough you can also share them with us.

 We hope you’ll join us on at least one of the few days that we’ll be celebrating National Handwriting Day, and please be sure visit us on January 23rd; and to follow, post, share and tag us if you’re posting on social media too.

 Wishing you a Happy Handwriting Day!

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