Zino Travel Humidor Soft Leather Black
Zino Davidoff did more for spreading the joys of cigars around the world than perhaps any man before, or since. His legacy continues through the many offerings from the brand which bears his name. One such creation, the Zino Travel Humidor Soft Leather Black, is ideal for the cigar lover on the go and a befitting tribute to the cigar world’s greatest ambassador.
The humidor’s soft genuine black leather exterior makes for a stylish cigar carrying solution that is both pleasing to the eye and the touch. A convenient leather tab with snap closure keeps the humidor securely fastened, so it can easily lift-up the tab to reveal a sturdy, wood-lined interior which will easily handle 10 to 12 cigars.
The interior space is divided into two compartments separated by a placeholder for the Zino self-regulating humidifier. This humidification unit will keep your cigars at a consistent 70 to 72% humidity, so you never have to fuss or worry about the state of your cigars. You won’t even need to use a hygrometer! Just use the included pipette for quick and easy filling and away you go! It is that easy!
Dimensions: 50 mm x 240 mm x 220 mm
Color: Black